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The journal publishes original articles dealing with the latest advances in the field of urogynecology, including but not limited to, infections of the genito-urinary system, endometriosis, genito-urinary alterations in menopause, diagnostic protocols, and medical-surgical treatment of urinary incontinence. Additionally, it covers pelvic static disorders, perineology, uro-gynecologic rehabilitation therapy, innovations in minimally invasive surgical techniques, advancements in pelvic floor reconstructive surgery, breakthroughs in urogynecologic research, new pharmacological treatments, and comprehensive reviews of current clinical practices. Urogynaecologia wide spreading allows a valid knowledge sharing means among scientists and scholars all over the world.


  • Urinary incontinence and lower urinary tract symptoms among pregnant women and their affecting factors

    Octaviyana Nadia Nitasari Simatupang, Tyas Priyatini
    PDF: 17
  • Bladder endometriosis: a rare entity

    Shivani Khandelwal, Atul Khandelwal, Vijayata Sangwan, Parveen Kundu, Sunaina Hooda, Sanjeev Sanjeev
    PDF: 131
  • Short-term outcomes of mini-sling versus transobturator tape in the surgical management of women with stress urinary incontinence. A randomized controlled trial

    Ahmed Emam, Khaled Teama, Tarek Salem
    PDF: 182
  • The role of levatorplasty procedure in improving genital hiatus area and symptoms in pelvic organ prolapse with ballooning in Indonesia

    Anggrainy Dwifitriana Kouwagam, Fernandi Moegni, Budi Iman Santoso, Suskhan Djusad, Surahman Hakim, Tyas Priyatini, Alfa Putri Meutia
    PDF: 135
  • The effectiveness of intravesical oxybutynin in the management of overactive bladder: a clinical study

    Shoeb Alahmad, Rawaa AlKayali, Lubana Alkhoder, Gihad Allugamie
    PDF: 269
  • Co-existing obstructed and refluxing lower moiety megaureter in a female without incontinence: a perplexing myriad in a duplex system with ectopic lower moiety ureter

    Gautam Shubhankar, Vikas Panwar, Ankur Mittal
    PDF: 231
  • Conservative management of a rectovaginal fistula caused by a Gellhorn pessary. A case report

    Samaa Siyam, Ismaiel Abu Mahfouz, Mais Al-Attar, Roaa Khatatbeh, Esraa Qandil, Leen Saifan
    PDF: 230
  • Management of stress urinary incontinence using transobturator tape: a case series

    Suskhan Djusad, Surahman Hakim, Tyas Priyatini, Fernandi Moegni, Alfa Putri Meutia, Yudhistya Ksyatria, I Gede Manu
    PDF: 357
  • Long-term efficacy and safety of a bioresorbable polycaprolactone-based injectable in female stress incontinence

    Andelo Mojsović, Alexander J.W. Beulens, Evert L. Koldewijn
    PDF: 440
  • Factors affecting the onset and the degree of post-hysterectomy vaginal vault prolapse

    Eighty Mardiyan Kurniawati, Gatut Hardianto, Hari Paraton, Tri Hastono Setyo Hadi, Anis Widyasari, Nur Anisah Rahmawati
    PDF: 441
  • Non-pharmacological interventions and coping mechanisms during dysmenorrhea among female undergraduates in a tertiary institution in Nigeria

    Eunice Osuala, Oluebubechukwu Amarachukwu Udi, Glad Samchisadede, Florence Mandah
    PDF: 425
  • Patients with transobturator tape: a retrospective observational study of ten-year follow-up

    Vineet Mishra, Smit Solanki, Rohina Aggarwal, Athulya Shajan
    PDF: 455